You’re right, Nancy, it was beautiful evening. A grand end to the season.
Nick Annis. What a wordsmith! We’d laugh & look inside & hear words of love, mingling them all together. He joked he was ‘opening for Michael Smith twice in one day.” Maybe. But he was also closing the deal on how good a writer, singer, player he is. Beyond good. Among the best we have among us. And thanks to Ellen Bukstel for joining on a couple songs. Again, great stuff.
Michael Smith. He brought his muse with him. Like Nancy, I wonder how he remembers all those amazing streams of words. ‘Zippy’ has to have eleventy-hundred words, but out they poured. Also, songs filled with memories and imagination, humor and insight. I appreciated his respect for Bob Shane’s version of ‘The Dutchman’; I’m not familiar with it and will be looking for it, but enjoyed the reference. As Michael sang this beautiful song of his, the sound of the room joining in the chorus was a magic moment – goose bumps. And a wondrous way to bring this evening and Labyrinth season to an end.
The evening was worthy of the ovation is received.
Thanks again to Susan and all the crew who gift us with these evenings. You are appreciated.
“Let us go to the banks of the ocean . . . ” Keep singing along. We’re almost there.
Fred Mortensen